To offer skilled and compassionate care to enable the people we support to achieve their optimum state of health and wellbeing.
To uphold the human and citizenship rights of all people we support and the staff who provide the support.
To provide residential and nursing care and support services to individuals within warm, welcoming, and homely environments.
To provide continuity, stability, and consistency of care and support that is safe, well-led, caring, effective, and responsive to changes in need.
To minimise the risk of harm to vulnerable people and to others through effective risk assessment and risk management
Where appropriate, to support to build and maintain relationships with family members and friends
To work together in partnership with our service users, their families and carers, the commissioning authorities, and any other significant person in their lives. This includes promoting and facilitating contact with families, and friends where this is agreed with the service user or where a ‘best interest’ process identifies such contact as important to the individual
Access to specialist support for older people and the full spectrum of support services available to them, to live the life they want
Care and support with aspects of everyday life including personal care, healthy eating, medication, maintaining their rooms, accessing the community, accessing health and social care services, and socialization with others.
Person-centred active care and support that always puts the individual at the centre of everything we do
To provide services that add value to communities, that promote equality and diversity, and deliver evidence-based care and support